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World Maritime Day


The President of the SCMS was invited to an evening reception at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in London to celebrate World Maritime Day 2018. The event was well attended with representatives from all over the world coming together to share experiences.

In 2018, IMO celebrates 70 years since the Convention establishing the Organisation was adopted. Seventy years of IMO efforts to promote safe, secure and clean shipping are being celebrated under the theme "IMO 70: Our Heritage – Better Shipping for a Better Future".

The Secretary-General stated that this celebration also provides the opportunity to take stock and look back, but also to look forward, addressing current and future challenges for maritime transport to maintain a continued and strengthened contribution towards sustainable growth for all.   

To read more about the IMO, its 70 year history and celebrations and listen to the IMO Secretary-General’s address, please follow this link.