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Council minutes 24th April 2014 ‐ At the Society’s Headquarters

In Attendance

Bob Barnes, President (Chairman)

Mike Eckles

Chris Jones

Clive Robinson

Paul Owen (Secretary)


John Banister

Norman Finlay

Maurice Perrin

John Wallace

The Chairman opened the meeting at 14:00. 

The President commented that it would be useful to have a list of Councillors and the dates they last attended a Council meeting.


1. Confirmation of Minutes to Last Meeting – 3rd October 2013
The minutes to the last meeting were agreed as being a true record, on the proposal of Chris Jones, seconded by Clive Robinson.  

2. Matters Arising
FEMAS Genoa Conference. 

The President attended to represent the Society. The Secretary was also in attendance. The conference was preceded by an Executive Council meeting held at the ‘Yacht Club Italiano’ an impressive venue. A new member association was discussed and agreed CEEMF (the second member association located in France). The President gave a brief summary of the conference, which he felt was very successful. Amongst others it was addressed by Steve Clinch the head of MAIB, and SCMS Member Ian Biles. The Greek member did not attend either event. 

All other outstanding matters covered below. 

3. MCA
Revised Brown Code

The Secretary reported that this revised Code was making good progress, the next meeting will be held on 30/4 at Chilworth Manor, Southampton. The latest edition contains a revised Damaged Stability option, changes to Towing and OESVs and a rewritten section of the carriage of Dangerous Goods. The cost implications also have to be considered, the most expensive being additional training needs and the cost of fitting radar to some vessels. It is hoped that any remaining outstanding items will be resolved at this meeting; the next step is to send it out for a 3 month consultation before implementation. It may also require Parliamentary approval.  

There is also a project to update the SCV Code, which the RYA is leading. 

Eventually MGN280 will hopefully be withdrawn. 

Number of vessels
The Secretary reported that we currently certify 1051 vessels, an increase of 50 vessel since October – he added that in fact the increase had almost entirely occurred during 2014, which represented a significant increase in work load for the Secretariat. The increase in vessel numbers (mostly Workboats) is expected to continue to increase for the foreseeable future. These vessels between them have 1098 certificates of compliance and 31 MLC certificates issued. He added that the office is exceptionally busy at the moment. 

Progress with Jersey Approval
The Secretary reported that, following a meeting between our MCA Co-ordinator (Norman Finlay) himself, and the Jersey Administration Representative (Piers Baker,) agreement had been reached and the President had signed today the agreement for the Society to Code

Jersey Registered vessels. 
There were audit cost implications (understood to be in the order of £600), however, these would not take place until we had coded several (6) Jersey vessels. 

Progress with Electronic Forms
The Secretary reported that good progress had been made. An iPad version of the SWB2 forms had been implemented, this included the ability to complete (offline) the SWB2 with photographs and signatures, and then (online) send it to the Scrutineer for approval and onward transmission to the office. There were a few issues to sort out, such as the ability to print the SWB2 form at the various stages of completion.  

During the Examiners training day it was announced that this new system is now also available via a standard web browser, but without the ability to add signatures directly into the form. The scanned signature page, therefore, needs to be sent separately by email. 

In view of the initial high capital expenditure in setting up the system, the initial take up by examiners was considered very disappointing. This was thought to be due to such a radical departure from the paper system. To ease the transition, the Secretary had created a video guide of around 15 minutes in length and available to view on the Examiners website. The President had used this and found it very helpful. 

The expansion of the system was also discussed during the training day, (9th April). Examiners asked if the main sections of the forms could be separated (owners details, permanent items, LSA/FFA) when the SCV forms are added. It was also agreed that the stored electronic documents area for each vessel should also be made available to a vessel’s examiner(s). The Secretary had agreed to look at these additions.  

The costs for the iPad and browser version of SWB2 developer (Cutting Edge Software) for last year was £16,600, however, this included extending/improving our existing database system as well as developing the new Survey Forms system. These costs had been separated out on the Annual Budget results sheet under the MCA Costs. 

Post Meeting Note: Clive pointed out that these high costs or budget items should have been approved by Council, not the Technical Committee, before expenditure. 

4. Technical
Nothing to report on this occasion

5. Membership & Professional Standards
The Secretary announced the names of new members since the last meeting. 
William Caselton had been removed from membership after protracted correspondence. It was considered, upon review of his CV, that he did not meet the Society’s standards. The Secretary suggested that in future provisional membership, for some months, might avoid similar problems in the future. 

Clive reported that in discussion with 5 potential new members he had received 4 objections to the current Articles and Bye-Laws, in particular Bye-Law 23 whereby the minutes of the Council meetings remain confidential to the Society and that the Society is run by its past Presidents, these perceived problems had put them off from joining. There was also a suggestion that a quorum should comprise one from each class of membership, also, that if you join as an Associate after three years you can apply for transfer to a full Member, whereas a new member only requires 2 years experience, therefore no advantage in joining at the bottom end. Bob stated that in being unable to attend the meeting, Maurice Perrin had also asked him to express his concern along similar lines, about appointment of “Code Examiner only” applications or approvals and membership grades. 

Clive went on to say that Lloyd’s Register have around 50 Electrical Engineers who are required to be a member of a Professional Association, at present they join RINA as Associate Members as this is the only choice they have. 

There was further discussion on possible changes to membership requirements, including the possibility of introducing Corporate Memberships or affiliates. 

It was agreed that Clive and Bob would produce a paper covering the membership structure for consideration by Council. Once agreed these would require approval at an EGM of the Society in order to change the Memorandum & Articles of Association. 

Members expressed their thanks to John and Maurice in their absence for their work in approving new members. 

6. Budget Manager
With the agreement of the Budget Manager, Mike, the Secretary presented the Annual Accounts for approval; he took the meeting through the figures including his 2013 budget summary. 

He also asked council to consider the annual staff bonus and proposed this be up to 10% of earnings for the year. This was agreed.

He then referred to the new Office Lease agreement with our Landlord which had a cost implication of £17,500 per annum. This amount is included in the 2014 Budget. 

It was agreed that the Annual Fee for Examiners would be increased from £20 to £50 per annum. And that the list of members entry for companies would in future be £155 per annum to include both the List of Members publication and website. 

The accounts and changes to fees above were approved on the proposal of Chris Jones, seconded by Mike Eckles, who then signed the annual accounts document. 

[Note. Clive has recommended that future budgets be re-arranged under separate cost heads, showing income, expenditure, surplus or loss for each main activity, such as office, MCA certification, CPD/training, recruitment/marketing, dinner/social, FEMAS etc.]  

7. Recruitment & Marketing
During last year’s SeaWork exhibition we recruited several new members. 
The Secretary confirmed that a stand is booked at the next SeaWork exhibition in June on 11th 12th & 13th, but once again the space is shared with Norman Finlay. The Secretary explained that without extra persons (in addition to Secretariat staff) to man the stand we could not manage a stand on our own. Clive commented that the stand in previous years was very unfriendly and did not encourage passers by to stop and enquire. He also commented that it is too late to hire a marketing company for this year’s exhibition, which is only 6 weeks away, it was agreed to do this next year. 

It was agreed that Members should be asked to help man the stand for perhaps half a day per member. 

Clive and Bob agreed to half days, Richard Langman and Chris Fairgrieve were suggested as other possible volunteers. 

List of Members, Membership Brochure, SCMS Branded Pens, a supply of sweets, and Secretary’s Business Cards should be available to visitors on the stand. 
Mike pointed out that we have a close relationship with National Workboat Association and to some extent rely on them for Workboat Coding work. 

As the joint stand had usually reflected small vessel work, and the Society’s members covered ships of all sizes, Chris and Bob agreed to provide additional display photographs of larger vessels to enhance the SCMS side of the stand.  

8. Publications
It was noted with regret that Norman had been unable to produce the promised newsletter last year, and that we should consider alternative methods of promotion and publishing the Society.  
9. Presidential Activities
The President had already mentioned the FEMAS Genoa Conference. He still planned to visit Gibraltar to meet with the Gibraltar Maritime Authority and as many of our members in that area as possible. 

He will also attend the Association of Average Adjusters Dinner on 8th May. 
10. Society Event to Support Staff and Members (Buffet Lunch)
Nothing to report. See also item 11. 

11. Annual Weekend Event for Staff and Members
It was agreed that we would organise a weekend away at the end of September, two nights - Friday 26th and Saturday 27th - as a social event ‘Ladies Dinner’ for staff and members, to be a Black Tie dinner on the Saturday evening. Tortworth Court (Junction M4 and M5) was suggested, the Secretary agreed to look at the possibilities, including a private room for the dinner. It was agreed that the Society would fund expenses for single staff members whose partners would also be welcome, but at their own expense, if they wished to come as well. 

Bob agreed to draft a programme of events for next year. This would be published on the website.  

12. Benevolent Fund
The Secretary reported that Mr Cherry had died so the question of future maintenance fees for his stair lift did not arise. There had been no other calls for donations. The value of the investment in the Charities Official Investment Fund continued to increase. The Annual Accounts had been agreed and signed by Bob and Mike. 

13. Any Other Business
See item 7, above. 

14. Date of Next Meeting
It was proposed to hold the next Council and AGM at the “Hornet Services Sailing Club” in Gosport, (located next door to the Submarine Museum). The date was agreed as Tuesday evening 10th June, during SeaWork. Access by road (name and car registration required in advance) or by rail to Portsmouth Harbour and short ferry trip to Gosport (every 15 mins). Clive agreed to provide details of costs, etc. 

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 16:00. [He and Clive continued discussions on membership on the train home]. 

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