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Council Minutes - 16th May 2017 ‐ At SCMS HQ Southampton

In Attendance

Stuart Gladwell (SCMS CEO)
Mark Lockie (President)
Nick Gladwell (SCMS Technical Advisor)
Mike Eckles (Past President)
Robert Barnes
Marcus Lankford


Maurice Perrin
Ross Hunter
David Walker
Norman Finlay
Paul Johnson
Graham Slack
Simon Oakes


The President opened the meeting at 14.00.

1. Apologies – received from Maurice Perrin, Ross Hunter, David Walker, Norman Finlay, Paul Johnson, Graham Slack and Simon Oakes

Mike Eckles as President opened the meeting by welcoming the Committee Members and reminding them that a social evening for Members and friends had been prepared at the RSYC after the Meeting. Bob Barnes gave apologies as he had a prior engagement.

2. Confirmation of Minutes to Last Meeting – 21st Feb 2017

The minutes were agreed to be a true record of the meeting.

3. Update on Action Points

Bob Barnes/Clive Robinson Paper on Membership – Item suspended for six months, any papers to be circulated to group members - ACTION CONTINUES

ACTION: Nick Gladwell to report on vertical audits achieved. More audits are required in the new year on Mike Eckles (June) and others such as Simon Oakes and Jim McDonald. Action continues

ACTION: CEO to circulate the last FEMAS Meeting Minutes as soon as available from Paul Owen – was outstanding at meeting but now Complete

ACTION: FEMAS Meetings – Nick attending Hamburg Oct Meeting, Mark might be available for the June Meeting. Viability of membership to be monitored - Ongoing

ACTION: CEO to amend website re “Expert Witnesses” and SCMS not vetting people on the list. – Complete

ACTION: CEO to arrange for Mr Thomas to be given Honorary Membership – Complete

ACTION: Nick to liaise with Norman and arrange a Social Event for Members and Friends within 100 mile radius of Southampton. – Complete

ACTION: All – Contributions for Link Magazine, especially big ship items, to be sent to Norman. – Ongoing

ACTION: All – Liaise with SCMS Office and put together a list of useful clients who might like to receive the Link Magazine, such as A + P Appledore Falmouth, Dunstans, etc. – Ongoing

ACTION: Norman to liaise with Nick re attendance at Under 500 GT Code meetings at MCA. – Complete

4. Update on Membership and Social Event

Nick confirmed the social event had been arranged at the RSYC for that evening and that confirmation had been received from 21 people. Drinks and food had been organised. Attendees included MCA, Cayman, Shipping Company Representatives as well as some prospective Members and existing Members/Examiners. Post event note: 17 people attended.

About Membership numbers for 2017, Nick confirmed that although some Members did not renew their membership for various reasons, the membership had increased over the last 12 months. The first time this has happened in many years.

The figures are:

13 people left for various reasons including death.

7 people had not paid despite reminders, so were now no longer members

27 people had joined

245 people on role of which 44 were Non-Practicing and 60 were Examiners (as of May 2017)

SCMS had agreed a deal with Lloyds Maritime Training Academy and Allan Larsen which meant in exchange for advertising SCMS Membership to students on relevant Surveyor Courses, SCMS would offer a discount on the joining fee and annual fees. It was hoped that this trial would increase membership with particular effect on our average age of member.


5. Budget Report

Nick Gladwell went through the key financial summary:

CCLA Benevolent Fund Shares value 15/11/2016 = £221,687.70, 31 Dec 2016 £240,631.19

Lloyds Benevolent Fund Account 20/2/17 £5,478.25, 15/5/2017 £4,478.86

Peter Hicks was given £1000 in March. Ongoing payments up to £5k in 2017.

Lloyds Membership Current Account 20/2/17 £18,836.08, 15/5/2017 £13,800.62

Lloyds Savings Account 20/2/2017 = £2,469.38, 15/5/2017 £2469.98

Lloyds Visa Card 20/2/2017 = -£793.57, 15/5/2017 -£493.29

Lloyds CA Trading Account 20/2/2017 = £20,785.01, 15/5/2017 £31,706.58

HSBC Money Manager 20/2/2017 = £60,740.00, 15/5/2017 £60,753.89

HSBC Business Acc 20/2/2017 - £667.00, 15/5/2017 £685.40

Total money in Bank Accounts 20/2/2017 value = £103,498, 15/5/2017 = £109,000 This is an increase of about £5,500.

Budget for 2017 – Nick confirmed that the finances were roughly following the draft budget proposed by Petar but about £5k down. There were amounts still outstanding from Membership but Petar was finalising this before cancelling memberships for the non-payments.

6. Seawork 2017

Stuart Gladwell updated Committee Members on the latest situation.

We were again sharing with the National Workboat Association (NWA) and AMC (Marcus).

This had worked well in 2016 and we managed to recruit about 10 new members during last year’s show. The Blue Book would be ready for distribution at the show and Membership Forms plus many customers had confirmed attendance and would be calling at our stand. Many Members/Examiners were also confirming meeting up at the stand and attending the AGM.

7. AGM

Stuart confirmed this had been arranged for the Tuesday evening after the Seawork show and booked at the Royal Southampton Yacht Club as in previous years. The 2016 Finances were now available and signed off by the President and Vice President and would be made available to Members. The agenda would be circulated along with the draft minutes from the 2016 AGM. Food had been arranged as in previous years.


8. Training Days

Mark confirmed he was busy trying to organise a further 3 training days.

The last training day which was held at Portland Yacht Training Association in association with YDSA was a success and produced a profit and good feedback. Lectures had been provided by Mark & Nick.

Future training topics being considered were: Fire and Enclosed spaces, Life rafts and safety gear and Modern Technology used in surveying.

9. AOB

Bob mentioned that Ed Geary was having a meeting with GMA and that when President, Bob had met with GMA. Bob proposed SCMS send a message to GMA regarding Ed Geary but it was decided to leave this as is as it was a private meeting and Ed is also a member of many other societies/institutions.

Norman told Council he intended to review the SCMS Surveying Book which had not been updated in 25 years and was now out of print. Council informed him it would be at his cost but he would be reimbursed from any profits as this had not been budgeted for presently.

Nick informed the Council that SCMS had recently been asked to approve SOPEP Manuals. This was due to the new Surveyors Instructions regarding Fuel Transfers and the Appendix to the SWB2. It was agreed we would charge a minimum office time fee for this at £120.

Stuart told Council that some customers were still asking for Express Service for certificate issue. That in the past SCMS had charged double the normal fees for this. Council agreed that this could continue.

Nick said that Member Allan Larsen had been very helpful regarding membership and training issues. Nick suggested that perhaps Allan might be offered co-opted place on Council as he might continue to be a valued contributor to SCMS when volunteers are hard to come by.

Stuart reported that we continue to have a backlog of Stability Book approval problems and that despite Paul, Ross and Simon Oakes being approved Stability Scrutineers, we need additional resources. This has been brought up several times at the CA Committee meetings but no additional scrutineers had been agreed. Council agreed to again ask the CA Committee to approve more Stability Scrutineers so we might have a greater choice and reduce the waiting time.

Date of Next Meeting – Tues 15th Aug 2017

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