In Attendance
Chris Jones (Chairman)
Bob Barnes
John Banister
Mike Eckles
Norman Finlay
Maurice Perrin
Paul Owen (Secretary)
Ian Green
Ross Hunter
Paul Johnson
Jim Lauder
John Wallace
The President’s arrival being delayed, the meeting was opened at 11:15 by Bob Barnes, Vice President.
1. Confirmation of Minutes to Last Meeting – 4th April 2013
The minutes to last meeting were agreed as being a true record on the proposal of Norman Finlay, seconded by Maurice Perrin.
2. Matters Arising
Database development – The Secretary reported that the initial development costs were £14,000, this was above his original estimate of £10,000. He further reported that the new system would be launched to our Examiners during the SeaWork Exhibition the following week.
3. MCA
MCA Codes
Norman Finlay reported that the development of a revised Workboat Code continued with much progress, although it had been planned to launch the revised Code during SeaWork, more work is still required on the revision. We continue to be active in the working group that is involved in bringing the Brown Code up to date.
Number of vessels
The Secretary reported that we currently certify 1014 vessels, and that despite the recession our numbers continue to steadily increase.
Revised MCA Agreement
The Secretary reported that the SCMS Small Working Group title has been changed to the “CA Technical Committee”, in accordance with the renewed contract definition and plans to meet soon to discuss any work required to implement the new requirements in the new agreement. He added that he planned to create video instructions and post them on the Society’s website for the Examiners.
Training for Examiners
The Secretary reported that a seminar is to be held on the Wednesday afternoon during SeaWork, this will cover subjects such as common problems with stability submissions (Paul Johnson), garbage disposal regulations and the Maritime Labour Convention, between 70 and 80 examiners are booked to attend from the Small Craft Surveyors Forum (the Society is a member).
The MCA held a Maritime Labour Convention training session earlier in the month, several of our Examiners attended.
Updated Database System
The Secretary reported that our vessel database system had been much improved, it now links directly to the Members database for Examiner details. External links for Examiners have been improved with a direct link to the vessel database (previously access was via a duplicated database) with additional information available for each vessel. Access continues to be limited to each Examiner’s own vessels, except for Scrutineers who have access to all vessels.
The SCV1 and SWB1 forms can now be completed via a link on our website by either the owner/agent or Examiner. Once the submission has been checked by the office staff the data can be added to the vessel database with one click.
An interactive SWB2 form has been created which can be accessed via an iPad using the free app ‘FileMaker Go’. If they choose to use the new system Examiners are required to login and download the required form for each vessel to be surveyed. Internet access (WiFi) is only required for this download process and an internet connection is not required during an actual survey. Photographs, taken using the iPad, can be added to the survey report along with any comments which are linked to the various Code sections. On completion the report is sent to the Scrutineer. Although it is limited to use on iPads at the moment, it may be extended to other platforms in the future. This is the first, and major, phase of the update project and once any problems have been ironed out the plan is to add other survey forms for SCV2, Police and Pilot Boats, possibly next year.
A new semi-automated monthly reporting system has been implemented by the office to inform Examiners which of their vessels have been sent reminders, which reminders are for owner or Examiner inspections, and which vessels are overdue and liable to suspension/cancellation.
Various other enhancements and improvements have been implemented which mainly affect the office procedures.
4. Technical
Nothing to report on this occasion
5. Membership & Professional Standards
Applicants with Small Craft Survey Experience
If applicants are for small craft survey membership only, they should be assessed solely for that and their Membership Certificates endorsed accordingly. It was agreed that Members who wish to be small craft only surveyors are acceptable. The Membership Committee should specify if further scrutiny for small craft work is required.
ID Cards for Members
The Secretary reported that this exercise was quite successful with more than 30 issued this year and this service to members would be repeated next year.
6. Budget Manager
The Secretary reported that the Benevolent Fund annual accounts (prepared in-house) had been signed today by the President and Budget Manager, and further reported that there had been an error in the accounts sent to the Membership for the AGM, the error was caused by a difference in the value of the investment in our COIF Statement, when compared to the internet value on the COIF website where three values were offered with the incorrect value initially chosen. The corrected statement was available for the AGM in the afternoon.
The Secretary further reported that the signed Accounts for the Society were available for the AGM in the afternoon.
7. Recruitment & Marketing
During discussion it was suggested that we consider recruiting ‘students’ from colleges and also consider retiring officers from White Ensign Association (HMS Belfast) who wish to become Surveyors.
The Secretary reported that the upcoming SeaWork Exhibition in Southampton would present an opportunity for recruitment. We have a stand again this year.
8. Publications
Norman Finlay reminded that he agreed to produce one edition of “Newslink” before the end of August. It was agreed that the Society’s Technical book should no longer be considered.
9. Presidential Activities
Nothing to report at this time.
10. Annual Dinner
HMS PRESIDENT was not available this year. Therefore, after considerable discussion, and considering that only 36 tickets were sold last year and fewer could be anticipated this year, it was agreed that the Annual Dinner would not be held this year.
It was agreed that we should consider a Buffett lunch or early evening event as an alternative event to keep in touch with clients. Venues suggested included the Naval Club in Hill Street or HQS Wellington, other areas were also considered, such as Southampton. Further consideration required.
11. Benevolent Fund
There had been no activity with the benevolent Fund since the last Council Meeting.
12. Planning for AGM at 14:00hrs
No particular problems were anticipated and it should be straightforward.
13. Any Other Business
FEMAS Conference
The Secretary reported that the FEMAS Presidency would be taken over by the Italians in the autumn and that they were very keen to organise a conference immediately after the AGM which will be held in Genoa, probably on 27/28 November. The budget for this event was presented together with a draft agenda. The theme for the event is “Maritime Emergencies and their Aftermath”. The Secretary asked if there was agreement for the Society to pay expenses for a guest speaker (SOSPREP / MAIB) to travel to the event. It was agreed that the Secretary would investigate and advise Council of any potential costs for agreement before commitment.
SeaWork Exhibition
The Secretary confirmed that we are exhibiting at the Seaworks Exhibition again this year. The office staff would be manning the stand throughout by rotation with the junior staff member (Avril Mallon) in attendance throughout.
Executive TV
The Secretary advised on an approach by the captioned organisation and their offer to make a TV program about the Society for the sum of £3,000. After brief discussion Council decided that, as we have a niche market, we should not take up this offer.
PI Insurance
The Secretary explained that he had been in contact with a new provider who was offering us PI Insurance cover, for the same cost as we now pay, for extended cover for matters that are not currently included in our policy. They are also prepared to offer a scheme for the membership, again for the same costs as members now pay, with reduced premiums for subsequent years where no claim is made. The change to new provider (Dublon Insurance Brokers Ltd) was agreed.
Future of the Council
The Secretary asked the question - does the Council work or could there be a better arrangement for managing the Society? He explained that his reason for asking the question was due to the difficulty is getting Councillors to attend meetings, sometimes we were lucky to reach a quorum of three Councillors, he added that it was gratifying to have 6 councillors attending today. After discussion it was agreed that the present system worked adequately and no change was necessary.
President’s Medal
The Secretary reported that, after today’s AGM, we had run out of these medals and asked if we should order a new batch of 6 at a cost of £115 each. It was agreed that we should go ahead with a new order.
14. Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next Council meeting be held at the end of September in the Society’s Office, exact date TBA.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 13:40.