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Council minutes 4th April 2013 ‐ At the Society’s Headquarters

In Attendance

Bob Barnes (Chairman)

Mike Eckles

Norman Finlay

Maurice Perrin

Paul Owen (Secretary)


John Banister

Paul Johnson

Chris Jones

Jim Lauder

David Walker

John Wallace

All expected being present the Vice-President opened the meeting at 13:45. 


1. Confirmation of Minutes to Last Meeting – 29th June 2012
The minutes to last meeting were agreed as being a true record on the proposal of Norman Finlay, seconded by Bob Barnes.  

2. Matters Arising
ID Cards for members – The Secretary explained that the new service for members was implemented at the start of the year and so far 30 members had been issued with a photo ID Card

3. MCA
MCA Codes

Norman Finlay reported that the big news from the MCA was that agreement had been reached to retain the original Workboat Code. There is also a move to retain the Yellow and Blue Codes.

He further reported that we are active on the working group that is involved in bringing the Brown Code up to date. When the WG has completed its work the revised code may need to go out to consultation and possibly to be checked by the MCA Lawyers who it is hoped will not hold the process up. 

One of the main reasons for keeping the three codes separate is to make them acceptable to foreign flag states. 

Norman commented that we might need a replacement for Jim Lauder. 

Fit for Purpose Scheme
Size or type of vessels under this scheme doesn’t matter, they can be over 24m LOA. The MCA is no longer interested in the scheme and we now have agreement to advertise our services to the owners. The FFP scheme will replace the Society’s existing Safety Inspection Certificate system. He concluded his report by saying that the MCA are withdrawing from other aspects of the business, and that Code Surveyors will be asked to take over some of the work MCA currently do.  

Maritime Labour Convention
The MCA has agreed to provide CAs with training for implementation of the MLC on coded vessels.  

Small Craft Surveyors’ Forum
The Secretary reported on a letter sent to the Chief Executive of MCA by SCSF on the subject of a replacement for Mark Towl in the MCA Code Section and also on the reply received– it remains to be seen what will actually happen. 

Training for Codes Examiners
The Secretary reported that the Society, as a member of Small Craft Surveyors Forum, will be holding the usual training session at the Seawork exhibition during June  – Paul Johnson will be one of the speakers on stability. It is also planned to provide training for the Examiners on the new Database interface.  

CA Agreement with MCA
A copy of our new CA agreement with MCA was distributed, various of the requirements were discussed. The Secretary commented that it was a major task to write procedures to implement all requirements in the new agreement and suggested that a technical writer be hired to assist.

Bob Barnes suggested a companies such as Certified Quality Systems Ltd  or Maritime Management Services Ltd be approached. 

Number of Vessels
The Secretary commented that the number of vessels continues to increase despite the recession; he distributed a table showing that the number of vessels certified stands at 1,011 vessels. Despite several vessels being withdrawn during the year this number was more than matched by new vessels joining us. 

4. Technical
Updated Database

The Secretary reported that following a proposal from a member, and agreement by the President and Budget Manager to spend an initial £10,000, he implemented a project to modernise and update the database including to introduce a new system to enable Examiners to complete and submit survey reports using an iPad, the system is almost complete with a few more days work required from the developer (Cutting Edge). He planned to implement the system in time for ‘Seawork’ where training will be offered.  

New Areas to Consider
Bob Barnes suggested two new areas to watch out for are LNG propulsion and also electric propulsion power.  

5. Membership & Professional Standards
With Jim Lauder pulling back, John Wallace requested a replacement to assist him with approval of applicants for Membership. Maurice Perrin agreed to take over from Jim. 

6. Budget Manager
The Secretary reported that the current Budget Manager, John Banister, had requested to be relieved of this position. Mike Eckles agreed to takeover these responsibilities with a familiarisation period requested. 

The Secretary presented his one page summary of the financial position for the end of 2012 and our Accountant’s (Menzies) two Reports, one for our 2012 accounts and the other regarding our Capital Gains Tax liability. 

After discussion the accounts were agreed on the proposal of Norman Finlay and seconded by Maurice Perrin. The Secretary agreed to obtain the signatures of the President and John Banister. 

The secretary reported that from 1st January we now have expanded office space, we now occupy the whole of the side of the Annex as an open plan office area and also the room at the end of the floor which had been converted to our storage space. 

The Secretary commented that the increase in income over budget, between £26,000 and £30,000, was in part due to the hard work of the office staff. He reminded that last year Council had agreed to a 10% staff bonus and requested a similar consideration this year of up to 10% of their annual salaries. This was agreed, but in the future the Secretary was asked to circulate the figures and such bonus requests in advance of the Council meeting. 

7. Recruitment & Marketing
The Secretary reported that we will once again be exhibiting at the Seawork Exhibition at Southampton Docks from 25-27 June. 

He further reported that after consultation with the President and Vice President, following a request from Corresponding Councillor Mark Borkett, it had been agreed to part fund (£707) a stand at the PIMEX 2013 exhibition in Phukett. A report was requested from Mark Borkett on any results for the Society. 

8. Publications
After discussion on this subject, Norman Finlay agreed to produce one edition of “Newslink” before the end of August.  

9. Presidential Activities
The Secretary reported that the President had received a reciprocal invitation to attend the Association of Average Adjusters annul dinner at the Savoy on 9th May. As Chris Jones was unable to guarantee attendance, Bob Banes had agreed to attend. 

10. Annual Dinner
The Secretary reported that HMS President had been booked for the last Friday in September, which is 27th. Bob Barnes stated that he intended to invite as principal guest, Prof. Nick Rodger and had someone in mind as second guest.

11. Website – New Features Implemented
The Secretary reported that an Expert Witness area for Members to list their expertise had been implemented. 

In addition members were now able to include their Website address in the free listings. 

12. Benevolent Fund
There had been no activity for the benevolent Fund since the last Council Meeting. 

13. Any Other Business
A. The Secretary reported that he would be away from UK between 10/4 and 3/5
attending the IFSMA AGM and Conference in Melbourne and taking two-weeks leave. He continued that he had full confidence in the office staff and that contingency plans were in place in case of any difficulties.

B. Maurice Perrin proposed a vote of thanks to the staff for all their hard work, this was unanimously supported.

C. The Secretary informed that FEMAS were in the process of organising a conference in Italy
in the autumn, to be held in conjunction with the FEMAS AGM and the change in Presidency from Greece to Italy.

15. Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next Council meeting and the AGM would be held on Thursday 20th June in the Society’s Office.  

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 15:30. 

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