In Attendance
Chris Jones (Chairman)
Bob Barnes
Euan Davidson
Norman Finlay
David Walker
Paul Owen (Secretary)
John Banister
Ian Green
Paul Johnson
Jim Lauder
Maurice Perrin
John Wallace
All expected being present the President opened the meeting at 13:45.
1. Confirmation of Minutes to Last Meeting – 29th June 2012
The minutes to last meeting were agreed as being a true record on the proposal of Norman Finlay, seconded by Chris Jones.
2. Matters Arising
Nothing to report that is not covered below.
3. MCA
Norman Finlay reported that there had been no significant changes since the last meeting. He added that, together with MECAL, we are trying to encourage MCA to back the Code to the same extent as they back the Large Yacht Code.
DNV are moving in on windfarm vessels as some countries require them to be classed (e.g. Germany), there is a DNV meeting next week in Amsterdam to which he is thinking of going to find out what they are up to. It was agreed that the Society would fund such a trip to the value of £500. He pointed out that to Code a 15m aluminium windfarm vessel costs around £3,000 whereas to Class it would cost in the region of £300,000.
We had recently had a letter signed by Sir Alan Massey to say the MCA do not have the resources to promote the Codes of Safety for Small Commercial Vessels. Norman added that the only way to combat the Classification Societies is to become a “Small Vessel Classification Authority” ourselves for small vessels, to this end he has had discussions with John Fearnley of MECAL. Yachts are not very relevant to this exercise. He requested permission to explore the possibilities along these lines.
A discussion followed on the way ahead. This included the possibility to pay someone to sift through the various rules (Seafish, Class, IMO, Code of Safety for HSC, Codes of Safety, etc) to establish a suitable standard for our needs. The danger of establishing that Class is required is that we might be shooting ourselves in the foot if we lose business to the established
Classification Societies.
At the conclusions of the discussion it was agreed to establish a small working group to explore the possibilities (with MECAL), this was agreed unanimously.
Norman Finlay said that we knew Tom Allen well (ex MCA and IMO) and he could be a useful source of advice.
It was acknowledged that if implemented we might need to increase the office staffing in the future.
Fit-For-Purpose scheme
Norman reported that this new work is moving ahead slowly with several vessels now certified, the scheme was originally approved for SCMS and MECAL and he understands it has now been extended to IIMS.
Chris Jones requested a two-page summary from Norman so that he can promote the Society’s work. It was agreed that Bob Barnes and Norman should discuss this between them and report back to Chris.
Norman noted that two of our workboats are at work on the Costa Concordia salvage.
The Secretary reported that we currently certify 1,003 vessels.
4. Technical
Small Vessel Classification Authority was discussed above.
Bob Barnes suggested that with regard to the Examiners Guidance Handbook, LNG propulsion and SOLAR Panelled roofs are included as they are becoming more common.
5. Membership & Professional Standards
The Secretary reported the draft standards for vetting new and existing examiners had been sent to John Wallace for feedback. It was agreed that we need to move ahead with this and that John and Jim might be responsible for implementing. Chris Jones agreed to speak to John Wallace about this and then follow-up with Bob Barnes at the end of the week and then proceed to implementation.
6. Budget Manager
The Secretary reported, in the absence of John Banister, with the figures up to 27th September which showed an income of £123,747 to date against a budget for the year of £133,400 with an estimate that we would exceed the budgeted income by the end of the year at £156,503.
The expenditure up to 27th September was £98,502 against a budget for the year of £120,650 with an estimate that by the end of the year this would be £132,754. The end of year expenditure is projected to be some £24,000 below income.
He further explained that the variances against the budget can be explained by the increase in our coding fees from 1st January 2012 and increase in number of vessels handled for the income side. From the outgoings, corresponding expenditures including an increase in one staff member’s hours (Avril Mallon) and a bonus for staff agreed by Council during the year.
In conclusion he stated that the total assets for the General fund and Benevolent Fund amounted to a little over £400,000 (excluding office equipment/furniture).
The Secretary then presented his proposed budget for 2013. After discussion it was agreed that the budgeted rent should be increased from £8,000 to £12,000 to allow for expansion of office space within the existing building. The 2013 budget then provided an income of £159,400 and expenditure of £141,100. Proposed by Bob Barnes and Seconded by David Walker and agreed unanimously.
7. Recruitment & Marketing
The Secretary reported that we had recruited 10 new members so far this year. Clive Robinson had transferred to Fellowship and was thought to be interested in putting himself forward for election to Council.
There followed a discussion on Student Membership, Bob Barnes agreed to investigate the possibilities.
Chris Jones reiterated that the Fit-For-Purpose information would assist with marketing.
Chris continued by stating that a Lloyds/FEMAS Seminar in May/June 2013 in London is being organised. Subjects for presentations are being gathered to make an interesting event that will encourage attendance by a suitable audience. Good networking opportunity. Cocktail party on middle night.
8. Publications
There was no new information for this agenda item.
9. Presidential Activities
Chris Jones reported that he recently attended the FEMAS Executive Council Meeting held in Piraeus, Greece.
10. Annual Dinner
The Secretary reported that the organisation of the Dinner was complete, numbers were down this year by around 40%, however, we still had enough attendees to hold a good event. He also announced who was on the top table. The main speaker being Rev Canon Bill Christianson, Chris Jones would make the subsequent address. Rear Admiral Alan Massey will also be attending as a top table guest.
11. Proposal to implement new website members ‘Expert’ listing
The Secretary reported that five members had so far requested to be included. It was agreed that we should proceed to modify the website to include this information. It was felt that when this information was available online more members would be encouraged to join in.
12. Proposed revised Contract with MCA
The report from the Society’s working group was distributed. A few problems were noted which had been referred to MCA. It was agreed that one-week would be allowed for any further comments from Council members.
There was a brief discussion about a management system as mentioned in the draft contract. It was noted that if we go down the ISO route it might require an additional staff member.
13. Benevolent Fund
No activity since last meeting.
14. Any Other Business
a. Complaint against member, Geoff Williams MCMS.
Council was briefed on the nature of the complaint and the feedback so far received by the President. Various vessel defects were noted and the way the vessel had been left on shore power since the survey and the fact that the hull penetrations were fitted with brass fittings with no grounding cable being used. No significant problems were seen to exist with the survey carried out by Geoff Williams. The President stated that he planned to reply to complainant on a point-by-point basis. The secretary agreed to distribute the information to members for comment within one week.
b. Norman suggested that, as we have so many years Code experience, it might be a good idea to hold a seminar on this subject,
it was agreed this was a good idea. Chris further suggested the subject be included in the planned FEMAS seminar. Chris requested Norman to send him a short email to outline the subject.
c. Bob Barnes asked if we have a formal technical committee.
Chris requested Bob to generate an email with his proposal.
d. Euan commented on the News section in the Website noting that it was out of date and suggested that we remove the ‘Newslink’ heading. Agreed.
e. The Secretary announced that the Society Members ID Cards were now ready for production, it was agreed that this was a good and useful idea.
15. Date of Next Meeting
The next Council meeting is scheduled to take place after the next Financial Audit (end of February or March). The exact date to be advised.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 16:00hrs.